Getting started

This high-level MongoDB driver was created to replace Legacy MongoDB PHP Driver, i.e. pecl/mongo PHP extension, which for now is deprecated and does not work with PHP 7. This library is based on the new official low-level MongoDB PHP Driver, follows MongoDB Driver Specifications and defines abstractions like Client, Database, Collection etc.


Since this library is based on a new low-level driver, it requires this driver to be installed:

sudo pecl install mongodb

The library itself should be installed by Composer:

composer require tequila/mongodb-php-lib


All new drivers for MongoDB should follow MongoDB Driver Specifications. By following this specifications, this library introduces different changes beside the API of the legacy driver. Below there are examples of how to do common tasks using this driver in comparison with the API of the legacy driver:


Insert one document

Using this driver:


$client = new \Tequila\MongoDB\Client('mongodb://');
$collection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'test');
$collection->insertOne(['foo' => 'bar']);

Using the legacy driver:


$client = new \MongoClient('mongodb://');
$collection = $client->selectCollection('test', 'test');
$collection->insert(['foo' => 'bar']);

Insert many documents

Using this driver:


/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
    ['foo' => 'bar'],
    ['bar' => 'baz'],
    ['baz' => 'foo'],

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
$batch = new \MongoInsertBatch($collection);
$batch->add(['foo' => 'bar']);
$batch->add(['bar' => 'baz']);
$batch->add(['baz' => 'foo']);


Update one document

Using this driver:


use MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime;

/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
$collection->updateOne(['foo' => 'bar'], ['$set' => ['updated_at' => new UTCDateTime()]]);

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
    ['foo' => 'bar'],
    ['$set' => ['updated_at' => new \MongoDate()]],
    ['multiple' => false]

Replace one document

Using this driver:


// Collection::replaceOne() will trow an exception if a second argument contains
// update operators like $inc, $set etc.
// Collection::updateOne() will throw an exception if a second argument is a replacement document.

/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
$collection->replaceOne(['foo' => 'bar'], ['bar' => 'baz']);

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
    ['foo' => 'bar'],
    ['bar' => 'baz'],
    ['multiple' => false]

Update many documents

Using this driver:


/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
    ['foo' => ['$exists' => true]],
    ['$set' => ['isTestDocument' => true]]

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
    ['foo' => ['$exists' => true]],
    ['$set' => ['isTestDocument' => true]],
    ['multiple' => true]

Delete one document

Using this driver:


/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
$collection->deleteOne(['foo' => 'bar']);

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
$collection->remove(['foo' => 'bar'], ['justOne' => true]);

Delete many documents

Using this driver:


/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
$collection->deleteMany(['foo' => 'bar']);

Using the legacy driver:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
$collection->remove(['foo' => 'bar'], ['justOne' => false]);

Bulk writes

Legacy driver supports bulk writes of the same type, e.g. bulk inserts, bulk updates or bulk deletes. For this tasks legacy driver has three classes - \MongoInsertBatch, \MongoUpdateBatch and \MongoDeleteBatch. To add operation to a batch, you must use a weird syntax:


/** @var \MongoCollection $collection */
$batch = new \MongoUpdateBatch($collection);

    'q' => ['foo' => 'bar'], // query (filter) document
    'u' => ['set' => ['updated_at' => new \MongoDate()]] // update document


The new low-level MongoDB driver allows to mix different types of writes in one bulk. This means that you could add different write operations to one bulk, and even chain this operations, for example insert a document and than update many documents, including inserted one. The MongoDB Driver Specifications has a definition of "write models". Write model - is an object that specifies the type of write operation and it's arguments. Tequila MongoDB PHP Lib implements all write models from driver specifications. There are 6 write model classes: InsertOne, UpdateOne, UpdateMany, ReplaceOne, DeleteOne and DeleteMany. All this classes reside in namespace Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Model.

Here is an example of bulk writes functionality usage in this driver:


use Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Model\InsertOne;
use Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Model\UpdateMany;
use Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Model\UpdateOne;
use Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Model\DeleteMany;

/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
    new InsertOne(['firstName' => 'Trevor', 'lastName' => 'Philips']),
    new InsertOne(['firstName' => 'Michael', 'lastName' => 'De Santa']),
    new InsertOne(['firstName' => 'Franklin', 'lastName' => 'Clinton']),
    new InsertOne(['firstName' => 'Bradley', 'lastName' => 'Snider']),
    new UpdateMany([], ['$set' => ['sex' => 'male']]),
    new UpdateOne(['firstName' => 'Bradley'], ['$set' => ['alive' => false]]),
    new DeleteMany(['alive' => false]),

$cursor = $collection->find();

echo $cursor->current()['firstName']; // outputs "Trevor"
echo $cursor->current()['sex']; // outputs "male"

$collection->findOne(['firstName' => 'Bradley']); // returns null

Write results

The only way to insert, delete or update documents in collection is to use the bulk write API, provided by the low-level driver. At high-level, bulk writes are done using Tequila\MongoDB\Collection::bulkWrite() method and write models (see example above). This method returns an instance of Tequila\MongoDB\WriteResult class. This class wraps the MongoDB\Driver\WriteResult class and adds functionality of inserted ids. Other write methods, such as Collection::insertOne() or Collection::updateMany() internally use Collection::bulkWrite() method and wrap Tequila\MongoDB\WriteResult to provide their results, such as Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Result\InsertOneResult or Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Result\UpdateResult.

Id of inserted document

The legacy driver takes care of setting the id of inserted document to this document. New driver does not do this, and it's up to user to decide, what to do with id of an inserted document:


/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Collection $collection */
$document = new \stdClass();
$document->firstName = 'Trevor';
$document->lastName = 'Philips';

/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Result\InsertOneResult $result */
$result = $collection->insertOne($document);
$document->_id = $result->getInsertedId();

// or, for a bulk inserts:
$documents = [
    ['firstName' => 'Trevor', 'lastName' => 'Philips'],
    ['firstName' => 'Michael', 'lastName' => 'De Santa'],
    ['firstName' => 'Franklin', 'lastName' => 'Clinton'],

/** @var \Tequila\MongoDB\Write\Result\InsertManyResult $result */
$result = $collection->insertMany($documents);

// InsertManyResult::getInsertedIds() and WriteResult::getInsertedIds() returns
// an array of inserted ids, where the key is the position of the inserted document
// and value is an id.
foreach ($result->getInsertedIds() as $position => $id) {
    $documents[$position]['_id'] = $id;